Thursday, December 20, 2007

I Herby Crown You, Sir Tommy

At Tommy's school they do a special assembly every couple of months where a couple of students from each class are chosen by the teacher to be recognized and crowned knights. They get special privillages, become leaders in the classroom, and best of all get to have lunch and watch a movie with the principle. Tommy is so excited for that. Tommy's teacher said he was chosen because of his friendship to all those in the classroom, for having a good attitude, and always being willing to step up and help others and the teacher when needed.(he gets that from his daddy). Here are some pictures of his special day.

He was so excited all week to be knighted in the assembly, but when his big moment came, he took it very seriously. Either that or he was so emberassed for how loud mom and dad were cheering. We didn't get the best pic because of the lighting in the gym.


theamazingjohnsons said...

I'm not surprised he was chosen for his great friendship skills. Let me tell you, every Sunday in class there is an argument over who gets to sit by Tommy because he is such a great friend. He is such a sweet little guy.

I am Mary S. said...

Way to go Tommy!!!

Rebecca said...

Way to go Tommy! He looks so cute! I didn't know dad was there too! How fun!

Mark and Jennifer said...

Well, today Jenna had such fun with Tommy at my house that she had a meltdown when he had to leave. She was just hanging onto him. And Ryan was here and followed him around the house, too. Good job, Tommy!

The Dillon 6 said...

that made me a little teary! It's always, ALWAYS good to hear other people acknowledge what we already know about our "babies."

Jaime said...

what an honor. Tommy sounds like a wonderful little boy.